"Play is the work of children. It's very serious stuff." Truly said by Bob Keeshan. For children can anything be better than play?
As I write this, right outside my apartment, I can hear the children playing. The voices of children playing, laughing and yelling doesn't bother me. On the contrary, the quiet neighbourhood comes alive with the very voices of this little children. It also reminds me of my childhood days. In the evening, we friends used to play for hours in our neighbourhood park; swinging, singing, screaming, and more...smeared with dust and sand, to our heart's content till the sunset reminded us of our concerned parents waiting at home and then we would race down to our respective homes. Nothing else bothered or intervened with our playtime. It was not considered dangerous or outrageous.
Times have changed. Nowadays, if you find children playing outdoors unsupervised it will be surprising. On visiting many of my friends, I have found their children shut indoors, playing video games, watching cartoons, or in other words - stuck with an electronic screen.
Initially, I also was a little apprehensive to send my child alone and unsupervised, to play downstairs where the neighbourhood kids played. But when she turned six, I had to take a call. She can't be sitting indoors staring at the screen for hours when she could be using her mental ability and focus elsewhere. In the beginning, I had a thousand of concerns like any other mother. What if she gets hurt, what if she mingles with the wrong people, what if she is bullied, what about safety and so on...Then I realised that this won't do. Fortunately, our apartment in Dubai overlooks the play area and so I can quietly monitor her from my window whenever I want to. For those who don't have this option, do accompany your kids, but keep a distance from them to keep a watch. Let your child know that you are there for them if needed. Yes, there is a certain age for the kids when you should do this; certainly not the toddlers or for kids below 6-year-old. For children in the age group of 6-9, you can certainly keep a watch from the distance. Initially, my daughter didn't want to go to play alone and I had to always accompany her. She took some time to make new friends and gradually in a few months she was comfortable enough to go to the play area unescorted.
Al Mushrif Park, Dubai, UAE |
For the last couple of weeks, we have been visiting parks with our friends during the weekends. Not only did our children have fun but it refreshed us - adults too. We loved watching the children playing, and once in a while joined in their play. It was nice to hear the laughter and giggles of the kids filling the air. There were people spread out all along the park, some exercising, some barbecuing, some walking, some relaxing while some like us - chatting but watchful over our kids. However, I feel, once in a while, everyone must go out to the parks and gardens our cities have to offer, as it breaks the monotony of your life and brings you closer to nature.
Also, instead of spending hours in a shopping mall with your child (now who doesn't like shopping; ask any woman and you know the answer), which I am sure not many children like doing, take them to a park or a garden where they can play and have fun. Minus the time you spend with your child during your weekend grocery shopping or social functions, taking your child out to a park or a garden certainly means spending quality time with your child.
As a mother, here are some reasons, I feel that you should take your child to play outdoors whether it is in the evening hours during the weekdays or during the weekends, for an all-round growth and development of your child.
We all know this proverb...but times have changed. It's a competitive world. Children have lots of homework or projects to complete after school. They have lots of extracurricular activities and skills to learn too. So let them finish their tasks but don't make it an excuse to keep them away from their playtime. Research indicates that outdoor activity time is beneficial for developing children's motor skills, vitamin D levels, vision and mental health.
Ofcourse, we knew that all along the way but we have other concerns in our mind other than health reasons. We don't want them to catch germs while they play with other kids or dirty their clothes and so on....We are modern mommies and we don't have time for all this! Come on...I bet you were not mindful of these things as a kid and played with your friends on the streets, in the neighbourhood of your towns or in the parks in your residential areas. And I see no harm unless the weather permits and if your neighbourhood or society parks are safe enough.
All kids love playing with other kids and when they do that they develop social skills and this is confirmed by many studies. For me, it was fun to watch my child mingle with other kids. How their games evolved from their imagination and then slowly they borrowed ideas from their daily lives; from princess and fairies to witches and demons, from 'baby & mom', to 'teacher & student'. I was happy as my child learned to share toys with other kids, wait for her turn while the other child used the swing, took leadership in deciding what games to play and more.
Sometimes, small problems bother the kids so much that it prompts us - parents to step in and solve their problems. But I have seen my child coming up with solutions herself and I encourage that. Now she knows that playing with sand would be followed by an extensive cleaning ritual at home so she is careful not to dirty her clothes and sometimes avoids playing with sand altogether. She decides what to play with and how to deal with associated problems. When it is time to return home, I don't have to call her from the window of my apartment nor do I need to step out of my house to fetch her. With this, she has developed a sense of responsibility.
There were times when my child came in front of my window calling me down and complaining about other kids bullying her. I asked her to return home. She wouldn't do that for that would mean sacrificing her playtime. I didn't want her to play with the bullies but then she consoled me saying not to worry and that she can handle them. Imagine that kind of assurance coming from a 7-year old. And, here I was preparing my speech as to whom she should make friends with and whom not...but then no...let them decide for themselves.
Children learn more when they observe their surroundings and what best place to learn from than our natural surroundings. Instead of having them spend hours locked inside the four walls risking their eye health as they are stuck with some electronic gadgets or the other, let them go outside, and play in the green. The brightness, the colours and the natural environment actually relaxes their eyes too. Also, they learn things they would not learn if they sit at home. Let them breathe the fresh air. Let them smell the wet mud. Let them listen to the sounds of the bee. Let them look at the blue sky freely.
What a better way to show the children what nature is like by taking them to parks or gardens. You will be glad when he/she recollects what she saw in the park. Isn't is better that way? Now I find my child citing names of flowers and colours I didn't know as a child at her age. Now that is what I call symbiotic learning, where I too as a parent get a chance to build my knowledge!
Of course, taking your child to a park is less expensive than taking them to a mall and making impulse purchases prompted by your child. You don't want to say 'No' to your child each time you hear him/her saying 'Can I have that or this?' or 'Can I take this one last ride?' Toys and rides maybe good for children, they may be affordable too...you are rich and you can afford it. Your parents were not rich and you as a child missed all those rides and you don't want your child to be deprived of anything. Fine, agreed...but don't let toys and rides become a substitute for outdoor activities. As playing is not a luxury, it is truly a necessity.
Does it require a lot of planning to go to a park? I don't think so. You can surely take out one hour of your time atleast from your busy evenings daily to take your child to play. I don't see anything else as a substitute to play. Do you?
If you think otherwise, do share your views in the comments section.