The Beach in Al Khuwair North, Muscat |
One day during my regular morning walk, I decided to take a different route. My neighbours would often tell me how they went walking up to a beach, which was hardly a kilometre from our homes. I had never been to this beach that was so close by. So, I headed straight away. The route was not known to me but in this age of gadgets, it was not difficult to find the road; I traced my route using the 'Maps' application on my mobile. As I strolled along, I passed by some important Ministry and Embassy Buildings. I couldn't stop myself from taking the snaps of the buildings - after all they were examples of Modern and Impressive Architecture in Oman. And then out of the blue passed a large black colored SUV and as it slowed down, a gentleman slid down the window pane and gestured me not to take snaps. I didn't want to offend anyone, and didn't want to breach the lines too. So, I quietly proceeded with my walk reminding myself that I was out there in search of a beach. Finally, I discovered the path that lead to the beach.
The route from Al Wizarat R/A to the Beach, Muscat |
Slowly as I reached there, the beautiful pristine beach just took by breath away. At that time of the day, I could spot only a few people taking a walk there. The beach was absolutely clean and the sand was marked with trail of footsteps and vehicle tyres. I spotted a police car that was parked nearby and a uniformed policeman was patrolling the beach. The beach was not allowed for public access and most of the stretch was bordered by important Ministry and Embassy buildings.
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The path leading to the beach |
View from the beach towards the mountains; Sand marked with the trail of vehicle tyres |
The Pristine Beach; Sand marked with a few footprints |
The weather was a very pleasant one with the soft breeze blowing, and it was just a perfect day for a walk by the beach. As I continued my walk, I noticed the grainy texture of the sand and the innumerable colorful but small pebbles lying scattered on the sand. I immediately recollected my daughter's love for pebbles; so I started collecting them one by one, selecting one of each color and size, removing sand from each of its surface and stuffing them in my pockets. From far away, I could feel the policeman watching me. He was probably thinking that a crazy woman is out there picking up pebbles early in the morning. But then, crazy I I continued what I was doing.
Note the grainy texture of the sand |
Colorful pebbles on the sand |
Back home after the walk, I emptied my pockets and waited for my daughter to return from her school. In the afternoon, when she came back from her school, she immediately spotted those colorful stones piled up on her table. She was very happy seeing the collection and the big smile on her face told me that I had indeed presented her with a treasure. Sometimes, simple things in life give you more pleasure and happiness than all the treasures of the world, and that holds true especially for children. They don't want expensive toys and gifts, instead they need our love, care, and attention. My 6-year old daughter was happy that I had remembered her during my walk, she was happy that I had got something for her - and that was enough to cheer her up and light her face.
The Pebble Collection |
With this walk, another realization dawned on me; the safety of women. Could I ever dream of walking like this, all by myself, unescorted and fearless, in any of the streets in India? In India, whichever city you reside in, we women have to be either escorted by our brothers, father or husband. There is always a fear lurking at the back of our minds whether we are out for a walk or boarding the public transport or when we go out to some grocery store just at a stone's throw away from our house. We are mindful of even a slight touch and instantly get alert with a slight brush.To dream of our country as a safe haven for women will probably remain a dream only!
I have mentioned in my earlier posts too, regarding the safety of women in Muscat. Here, I have seen women going out for walks all alone, in the mornings and even in the evenings. Women, here are out for shopping and carrying out their daily errands, board taxis or other public transport all alone, and carry out many other activities unescorted by the male members of their families, and more importantly they are dauntless here. I too reciprocate the same feeling of fearlessness and freely wander around the city, but when I am back in my own country I get cowed down and hesitate to step out of my own house without a male escort. Each day as I read and hear about the heinous crimes being perpetrated towards women in our country, I get more and more petrified. I often wonder, when will we, women, be allowed to roam in the streets of our own country without any fear? Perhaps when all the men are eliminated, or perhaps when they become respectful towards women or perhaps when they change the laws or what? I don't have an answer to my own question but on the lighter side, can we truly imagine a world without men. The quotes by the cartoonist Nicole Hollander truly fits in here - "Can you imagine a world without men? No crime and lots of happy, fat women."
I have mentioned in my earlier posts too, regarding the safety of women in Muscat. Here, I have seen women going out for walks all alone, in the mornings and even in the evenings. Women, here are out for shopping and carrying out their daily errands, board taxis or other public transport all alone, and carry out many other activities unescorted by the male members of their families, and more importantly they are dauntless here. I too reciprocate the same feeling of fearlessness and freely wander around the city, but when I am back in my own country I get cowed down and hesitate to step out of my own house without a male escort. Each day as I read and hear about the heinous crimes being perpetrated towards women in our country, I get more and more petrified. I often wonder, when will we, women, be allowed to roam in the streets of our own country without any fear? Perhaps when all the men are eliminated, or perhaps when they become respectful towards women or perhaps when they change the laws or what? I don't have an answer to my own question but on the lighter side, can we truly imagine a world without men. The quotes by the cartoonist Nicole Hollander truly fits in here - "Can you imagine a world without men? No crime and lots of happy, fat women."
A thousand lines have been written about a beach. And why not, the crystal clear water, the soft sands, the fresh breeze, is certainly refreshing to any soul.
So, here are a few lines from my pondering pen, inspired by walking on the beach.
Discovering The New Me
It was a beautiful morning,
As I walked by the beach,
The blue waters were calm,
The sun shimmered on the waves,
I gulped a waft of fresh breeze,
Felt the soft sands under my feet,
The birds twittered out from their nests,
The birds twittered out from their nests,
The pebbles glimmered on the sand,
My soul was simply refreshed.
My soul was simply refreshed.
I walked as far as my feet carried me,
My eyes engulfed the vastness of the sea,
My eyes engulfed the vastness of the sea,
With every step, I neared freedom.
My mind was free from fear,
My mind was free from fear,
Heart deluged with sublime contentment,
I had discovered a new me.
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Discovering The New Me |